

対象者:   2009年9月末までのコースにお申し込みの方
割引内容: 国民1人あたり12,000円給付予定の定額給付金をEFでの留学費用に充てる方に対して、
定員:   先着100名様
申込期日: 5月16日(土)まで
EF エデュケーションファーストはスウェーデン生まれの世界最大級の私立教育機関で、語学学校、教育旅行、文化交流、学位取得プログラムなどを手がけています。イー・エフ・エデュケーション・ファースト・ジャパン株式会社はEF エデュケーションファーストのグループ会社です。
EF エデュケーションファーストジャパン株式会社
代表取締役 サンチョリ・リー
〒150-0002 東京都渋谷区渋谷2-15-1渋谷クロスタワー27F
Email: sange.lee@ef.com
TEL: 03-5774-6200
English version:
Press release from EF Education First, doubles the value of the government’s 12 000 Yen incentive to encourage study abroad.
March 5th, 2009
In light of the recent announcement regarding the government’s distribution of cash incentives to all Japanese, EF Education First has embraced this national initiative full-heartedly and will match this offer, doubling the value of the cash incentive for Japanese who want to participate on any of EF's academic and language programs overseas.
Japan has historically sent thousands of students overseas every year to learn and study. Because of the recent economic crisis, students going abroad to study will have a welcomed opportunity to enhance their professional skills so the government incentive is a welcome stimulus for further education.
EF Education First is the world's largest privately-owned education company specializing in language schools, educational travel, cultural exchange, and degree programs. EF Education First Japan is part of EF Education First group.
EF's generous offer serves to significantly reduce the burden of participants to pursue further education in English learning or degree programs.
Take advantage of a valuable opportunity: 24 000 Yen subsidy to study abroad
"Studying abroad has been a dream for many people. The recent government initiative to encourage local consumption is a terrific opportunity for students to realize this dream. At EF and its long term partners, we are committed to helping as many students and adults as possible to realize this dream. This is the primary reason why we have doubled the cash handout to study on one of our programs abroad, making it more affordable for our students to reach their ambitions. In other word, we will support all students with an extra 12000 discount if they decide to spend their 12000 Yen cash hand out at EF before March 31st 2009” says Sange Lee, President of EF Education First Japan Ltd.
About EF Education First Japan Ltd.
...experts in overseas education with over 40 years experience
EF Education First has helped over 15 million students to study and travel abroad. With language schools, educational travel, academic degree programs, and cultural exchange programs, EF owns and operates global network of over 400 schools and offices in including 5 offices in Japan. Since 1965, EF Education First has been committed to breaking down barriers of language, culture and geography.”
More information to EF programs can be found on: www.ef.com or http://ef.com
Press Contact
*Regarding EF’s study abroad programs
Sange Lee, President EF Education First Japan Ltd.
27F Shibuya Cross Tower
2-15-1 Shibuya
Tokyo 150-0002, Japan
Email: sange.lee@ef.com
Phone: +81 (0)3 5774 6200


企業名 EF エデュケーション ファースト ジャパン
代表者名 Sange Lee
業種 教育


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